Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2007

If you see our own Kat today wish her a happy birthday. Today is Kat's 20'is birthday again, so either leave some love here or email her a BDay card at kat@spectrumphoto.com.

In 2002 Nate was fortunate enough to visit Washington DC during its memorial for firefighters lost 6 years ago. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation holds is annual memorial ceremony in Emmitsburg Maryland. But since there were so many lives lost and so many being a part of the service, it was moved to DC for that year.

We attended the Roll Call parade, that included all family members, fire companies, apparatus from New York, etc... The parade went for several blocks. Firefighters from around the USA were to line the parade route and fall in after the families. It was such an amazing experience. The parade was to end where the Washington Capitals play (I forgot the stadium name, so sorry). and the service began with Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge reading a letter from the President. Again, the entire trip was so amazing, sad, honorable.

These photos were taken during the parade and the Smithsonian. We will always remember September 11th, and we will never forget about the families and loved ones that lost their lives. We will also remember the troops that have given so much in the years after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah! We will never forget this day in history.
