August was full of Saturday bliss! I cant describe how fortunate we are to have the job we do. Our clients are absolutely the best, and this wedding was no different. The ceremony was at St. Agnes in Scottsbluff and the reception was held at one of my favorite venues, the Civic Center.

Totally digging the black shoes.

The bride and groom seeing each other for the first time. So in love with each other.


Wow they look so good together.

I live for moments like this. The father of the bride looks so proud.

St. Agnes is such a large church. Not only does it have some awesome lighting in the front, but the architecture also makes for good photos.

Moving onto the reception. Before the partying could get underway, the bride and her father had to have a dance.

And of course, the first dance as husband and wife. Notice the tear rolling down her cheek.

They headed back to Texas after the wedding. And wow, sorry for me taking so long to get these posted. We have another wedding coming up October 2. I promise it will not be as long.
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