They were married on St. John's in Scottsbluff. Ken made a point to let me know what I was missing. He got some great shots. Check out the back of the dress (again, clicking will enlarge):

And the bride...

The groom during the ceremony. I like the cheese the best man has on his face!

The bride and groom together with the wedding party. Everyone took a few minutes before the reception and headed to a hot spot Ken has.

They had a great slideshow to look back on their lives. The guests enjoyed it as much as the bride and groom.

The sun setting on the Country Club was just amazing. The couple spent a few minutes with Ken to grab a few shots.

It was a perfect way to end the day. Congratulations to the couple. We should have the initial design of the book ready soon.
1 comment:
I'm enjoying all the wedding posts.
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