In excited! Apparently, Tom Osborne will name Pelini as Nebraska's new head coach. Among all of the names swarming the media, Bo has been my favorite because he is a stand up, no nonsense guy. Even though this will be his first time as a head coach, I think he has what it takes.
This year has been gut-wrenching to watch. Along with everyone else, I wanted Kevin Cosgrove as the D.C. to be gone. But I felt Callahan deserved one more year. I think he's a good coach. He just calls bad plays at times. Everyone makes mistakes. Dont get me wrong, I will not miss him. I just hope this will not hurt recruiting. I know tons of players that liked his offense. And I do think we need to have a balance of passing and running. I loved the old days of pounding it on the ground, but times have changed and I think we need to keep the passing game.
This is big. Who else wanted Pelini?
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