I have been waiting to photograph this wedding for months! I was honored to drive 10 hours and spend the weekend in this amazing lodge. The bride is my cousin (I have a huge family, so this would be on my mothers side) and I was totally surprised, and so excited, when they asked me to photograph the wedding. And honestly, I was a bit nervous.... A part of me thinks... "Nathan, are you good enough to photograph at a place like this?". Sure, I love my job and being able to spend the day with amazing people. And we have some of THE MOST amazing clients. But it still makes you a little nervous. But Im a over that now ;).
So I packed up my family and we spent the weekend in this old mining lodge, Eureka Lodge in Silverton Colorado. This place had majestic views, total isolation, and so much history. You have to check out their website. It is owned and operated by two very humble people. I had such good time and their hospitality is second to none.
The drive was freaking crazy, really! We drove through Red Mountain Pass along the Million Dollar Highway. I cannot explain it, just google it and look at some of the photos. But once we got there, we came across this...

The lodge sits right next to the Animas Forks river. What a view!

Onto the wedding:

The lodge was truly original. I knew I had to incorporate the stairway somehow:

Lets get ready shall we? Oh and while were at it, lets have some fine wine:

I thought the shoes were a big hit:

The girls got ready across the river in this little meadow. They had to walk across this 50 foot high bridge for the ceremony. The bride and groom chose to see each other after the wedding. No problem. I think she was a little excited walking across the bridge for the ceremony:

The ceremony was on top of a cliff that looked over the river and lodge. Unbelievable view:

And they are married!:

Isn't she radiant?:

And how about her bridesmaids!:

And the guys looked just as sharp:

And they are clowns too. I had them hold my camera while I ran back and got another lens I forgot. What a wonderful capture Chris...

Think they are in love?:

We drove down to this little opening to have some fun:


The wedding party was so cool and laid back:

Back at the lodge for the reception, the father of both the groom and bride made some great toasts:

The first dance:

And check out where we dance the night away at:

The cake was actually baked at a lower elevation, then assembled at the lodge. I think they did an awesome job:

Taking a break from the reception. Another favorite:

A little under exposed, but I love this one too:

Silverton Colorado rocked! Nate, out.
And finally, congratulations Chris and Bekah. You have such a beautiful little daughter. And thank you for allowing me to be a part of your day. We have an awesome family!

Silverton Colorado rocked! Nate, out.