Yea, this post has tons of information. Lets start off with a Mitchell Senior

She had a short session and I think shes planning on doing more at a later time.

Another Gering senior that had some cool ideas. He lives just south of Gering and Ken had some great ideas to incorporate the tractor.
FOR GERING FRESHMAN ONLY!We have something just for you! This week - Thursday, Friday and Saturday - we are offering something totally unique for the class of 2013. I'm sure most of you hate Picture Day at school. So do something different. Give us a call THIS WEEK and book your session anytime during those 3 days. Bring in a few outfits, your BFF, anything you want in your photos. We will photograph you with some cool backgrounds, different lighting effects, and most of all you will look like you! Probably the coolest thing about this whole session is the price... starting at $10.00!

Click on the image above and read the flyer! Then get on the phone and book your session.
Ken photographed a wedding in Morrill last Saturday. I will post up some photos later this week. We have tons to share, so keep checking back.